MetaRan is a Server that aims to integrate cryptocurrency in RAN on top of Aptos Chain Network. The cryptocurrency mechanics is heavily inspired by NFT games published as the moment.

We encourage players to play METARAN for the reason of having a less toxic environment which traditional servers are now being plagued at. METARAN has the capability to ensure that the server has less trolls and toxic players inside.

You have all the right to either cash out your tokens and exchange it to pancake swap, and or use your tokens to execute coupling, purchase essential items or premium items at the RAN Shop using your $RAN Tokens .

Please do take note that METARAN never promises a "easy money" or "get rich quick" scheme. We encourage you to treat what you earn in METARAN as a bonus only. We want you to play METARAN for the game itself, not just for its play to earn functionality.

MetaRan Overview

MetaRan is the main game with an online common play space for millions of people regardless of region. We are the first project with a Japanese campus theme style concept where users equip themselves with NFTs in the form of Wings. By playing treasures and upgrading equipment levels in the game, users will get game currency, which can be used in the game or cashed out for profit.

With Game-Fi, MetaRan aims to drive millions of people online simultaneously, address the advancement of the gaming environment and connect players to Web 3.0, while building on its Gamel-Fi aspect to build a durable platform for nurturing user-generated Web 3.0 content.


Note: MetaRan is currently in closed beta, so the contents of the white paper may change in the future.

From Premium Points (ePoints) to $RAN Token

Similar to Traditional Servers where players can use their ePoints to the Premium Shop, in RAN you can purchase premium items at the RAN Shop using $RAN Token.

From Vote Points and Game Time Points to $RAN Token

Similar to Traditional Servers where vote points and game time points can be obtained by doing certain tasks for the server, $RAN Tokens can be collected by finishing daily quests. The Vote Shop that is being used by the traditional servers have been replaced by the Shop where you can use your $RAN Token to purchase essential items.

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